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Old 11-02-2008, 02:37 PM   #11
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Re: What are you using to heat your garage?

My shop is 40x60 and I use John Deere torpedo type. They are 225000 BTU's. I burn jet fuel[ jet A ]. I also have a 7 bulb heat lamp to heat up panels before applying fillers or primers. Since I am better insulated than most people[FAT] I don't have to be to warm to work comfortably. I also take a lot of pain meds that make me sweat. When I put somthing into the paint booth I can point one of those heaters at the booth and it will get hot. I have opened the front door with the heater running into the booth and can get the temp in there over a 100 pretty easy. That sure makes the paint flow! Jim
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