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Old 11-03-2008, 02:16 AM   #21
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Location: Cherry Valley,Ca
Posts: 468
Re: Turning left, and right...

When I boxed mine I did a experiment to see what it would really do. I put the frame on jack stands under the lower control arm cross shafts in the front and under the shock crossmember in the rear.

Before the boxing when I put a jack under the right rear of the frame I was able to jack up the right rear over 10 inches before the frame came off the left rear jack stand and I ran out of travel on the jack before the right front of the frame came off the jack stand.

After the frame boxing, welding in the crossmembers and some other light bracing I was only able to jack up the right rear about 2 inches before the left rear came off the jack stand and around 4 inches before the right front came off. While not as good as a full cage, hopefully it will help somewhat. I also own a real sports car and I dont expect my truck to ever handle like it does but Im hoping it will be at least as good as new pickup(which really arent too bad considering).
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