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Old 11-03-2008, 04:00 AM   #38
3DrDwn--the 'burb not the band
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: missoula, mt
Posts: 598
Re: What are you using to heat your garage?

I've been using Propane to heat my garages for 12 years not a single problem.( have 2 Co2/gas moniters @ opposite ends of the shop) My first one was a torpedo that was way to much for my first single car garage. I then got a double element radiant that sit on top of the cyl. like the one pictured but bigger. Last two years I've had to run both since the garage remodel (from small two car 24x25x8 to 36x48x12) This summer I aquired a free kerosene torpedo that has been running diesel(??? that's what was in it been working ok) and I've used it two or three times. About 6-10 feet in front it's too hot, about 15 feet is t-shirt and the whole shop is livable. I will eventully try to go natural gas but that's a few years down the road. Drywallin in my ceiling instead of open trusses to the sheeting will help too.
Slo and Lo that is the tempo.
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