Originally Posted by NONHOG
FWIW I know your aware of safety concerns with a fuel burning (non vented)
heater but I wonder about the fact you want to paint. Won't the moisture from the exhaust be an issue with painting ? ? ?
My plans are heat the garage up, then shut the heat off and paint. I havent had any problems in the past when we did that method in my buddys shop. I have a radiant heater that puts out 5000btus. Im going to run it for an hour or 2 and see what it does... I just need it about 60 degrees, maybe a tad warmer...
Runninlo, you ran a propane heater in the garage? The bullet type? If i wore a respirator you think that would be a problem. Like i stated before, i plan on runnin it for an hour, gettin the temmp up nice and high, then painting. So i have no problem of wearing a respirator.