Originally Posted by lyrikz
My plans are heat the garage up, then shut the heat off and paint. I havent had any problems in the past when we did that method in my buddys shop. I have a radiant heater that puts out 5000btus. Im going to run it for an hour or 2 and see what it does... I just need it about 60 degrees, maybe a tad warmer...
Runninlo, you ran a propane heater in the garage? The bullet type? If i wore a respirator you think that would be a problem. Like i stated before, i plan on runnin it for an hour, gettin the temmp up nice and high, then painting. So i have no problem of wearing a respirator.
yes I believe it's a small 15,000 BTU torpedo that runs off a tank like on a BBQ, Same with my double burner radiant. first garage was maybe 10x15 with a small roll-up door. A full size car might squeeze in but my 4WD were too tall. only issue I ever had was as the tank got near empty the low pressure woulld result in a slight odor similar to raw propane. You do want to blow them out occasionally with air to keep the dust out. the dust can build up and be burned off resulting in fumes but you would get that with any hot surface. I've done just about anything you can do to a car using these heaters. ( turn open flame heaters OFF before spraying flammables!)
I'm really liking the new torpedo but it leaves a slight odor of the deisel. It says Kerosene or #1 Fuel Oil but not sure where to get either of those here. as I mentioned before it will heat my 1780 sq. ft. shop with no insulation, 12 ft ceiling ( 17 ft to peak), and 3 BIG doors ( 2 10x10 1 16x7) to comfortable in about 5 mins.
One word of caution..... Ventilation/ fresh air is your friend. Just recently a board member posted about a father/son that died by using a heater in an enclosed car hauler trailer, and I have heard of campers using coleman style gas lanterns and stoves for heat and asphyxiating themselves. That is why those heaters are not rated for indoor use. MY rules are:
1) never work alone ( this goes for heat, jackstands , anything that can get you. if I must be in the garage alone I'll text my wife a LOT and she has sent people to check on me if I forget.
2) vetillate, my current situation has plenty of air flow even with the doors closed. I'll re-evaluate after the interior is better insulated/finished
3) if you feel anything like a headache, suddenly tired, dizzy GO OUTSIDE and get a fresh breath. so far I have never had thhis happen. If it happens to you more ventilation is likely needed.
Good luck and Saftey first.