As others have said, if your tranny ever had 1st gear synchro (it probably didn't), it is worn out. If that is the case, it could be fixed. Otherwise, learn to double clutch. On a downshift, do it like crazy longhorn says:
release clutch
shift to neutral
engage clutch
blip the throttle to speed up the tranny input shaft a little
release the clutch again
shift to 1st
You will have to practice a little to learn how much throttle to give it to get the gears to mesh smoothly, but once you master it, it will become 2nd nature. It's cool because anyone riding with you will wonder what the hell you are doing. Before they invented synchromesh trannies, everyone had to know how to double clutch, or they were grindin' gears all the time. I would bet that tranny shops did a good business replacing gears in those days.
When I got my Blazer, it had a 3 speed with a bad 3rd gear synchro. I had to learn to double clutch to upshift into 3rd, and it took me a while to get out of the habit of doing it after I replaced the tranny.