Originally Posted by lyrikz
Found the grommets that i needed. I used PCV grommets. The other side i found some reg. grommets that work. I have a few more questions. I have to run one of my airlines RIGHT next to the leader hose. ITs coming from the front left airbag. Is that going to be ok? The line is safe up to 180 degrees.. Would it be ok like this?? OR would that leader line melt it??

Since no one answered, I would seriously look at getting any non braided lines away from any braided ones. Heat could be an issue, not sure how hot the leader line will get but I can tell you that steel braided lines cut just like a file over time. ANY movement will cause the braided line to cut through the plastic line. Even if YOU don't think there will be any movement, any vibration, expanding and contracting due to temps, etc. will wear a hole in it. I have seen braided lines cut thru steel inner fenders before.