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Old 11-05-2008, 01:30 PM   #9
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Re: Im at my wits end here with door alignment.

Originally Posted by 71 super View Post
Couple of questions. Has the hinge on the top been rebuilt? If you lift on the rear of the door do you feel slack/loose? If yes to question 2 the hinge is your problem. The pins have only a nylon bushing to support them and these after 30+ years give up and cause all types of problems. Is the door GM or aftermarket? If aftermarket many of them do not fit the hole very well and require adjustments to the window frame to fit the hole correctly- i.e. removing spot welds and adjusting. Is the door original to the truck? Some doors just don't fit other trucks very well. Last one have the rockers been replaced? Were the door opening braced when the rockers were cut out? If not the opening could have shifted and caused the problems you are having. I hope that the problem is the hinge as it is a $6 fix and relatively easy.
Top hinge is solid, i rebuilt the bottom hinge because it was sloppy... There is no play in the door when its bolted in. The door is a 72 GM door. Kinda rusty. The door is NOT original to the truck, its a junkyard door. And if you look at the top of the door frame, it kinda bows up in the middle as if someone lifted it from there and bent the frame upward causing the back to come in some. The door openings were not braced when the rocker and cab support was cut out.

Originally Posted by 56fleetside View Post
Yes alot of times it takes cutting and welding to make doors and cabs line up. that looks to be your only alternative in this case.
I might go that route. Doesnt seem that hard to do..

Originally Posted by Richard8971 View Post
Just a thought... add a couple of washers under the upper door hinge where the door bolts too and try lifting the whole door a bit... You can also slide the upper part of the door out at the same time.

These things are tricky to align... I had to use a washer or two to get mine to align... also raising my hinges helped alot...even if it is a little bit.

You might be suprised what raising or lowering the hinges can do to alignment...

Well, i have the lines in the door aligned, and the rocker aligned and the top just doesnt fit. I like your idea though.. Alot.. Thank you.

Originally Posted by LockDoc View Post
It looks to me like the truck might have been wrecked at one time. With the wide door gap at the bottom of the wing window and the gap at the back top corner I don't think you will be able to adjust it out.... I would say that the top of the a pillar is pushed back. How does the other side look?

Your good.. Truck was wrecked on that side... Other side aligned fine.... Im painting the top black, so that helps alot on hiding door alignment issues. Dang. I have a feeling that door opening may be bent.. IM going to just undo the spot welds and adjust that door pillar...

Originally Posted by eightbanger View Post
Have you tried a different door? if you can strip and old door off a junker or something and have a look to see how it this might just be an out of shape door prob and not as big as a cab prob. If it's the same bad fit take the glass out of your door and cut and weld your door around the window frame to fit the opening rather than the other way round. Won't be to much of a change in shape to affect the glass and wing window going back in hopefully.
Im going to slap in a test door to see how it fits... If its crappy, then i will adjust the door.

Originally Posted by 70GMCer View Post
That looks better than a lot I've seen.

its even better since i tweaked on it a bit.. Still doesnt fit right in the upper right corner and the lower left ....
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