Originally Posted by c10addict
The yellow line is where I cut mine and pulled it tighter together allowing more clearance /making the gap even.... In blue is where I think you are talking about cutting yours and I feel it would make it hit where the blue arrows are.. I feel like John Madden...... Boom!
Awesome paint skills...
the back section i wont cut, im going to remove the spot welds and lift it a tad right there... Heres my idea.. Let me know what you think...
On the right red, move that up 1/4 of an inch and reweld in place. and on the left, cut at the red line, move the top window rail down, and move the side rail IN. that will make those areas line up. .Im not worried about the wing window fitting because i have one piece windows. I think that will work.. An we are only talking about | | That much if not less that i need to remove...