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Old 11-05-2008, 09:24 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Anaheim, CA
Posts: 304
Project: 1972 502 HO 4x4 Suburban

Well I actually started this project a couple years ago, but I thought I'd go ahead and start a project thread for it. I'll get you all up to speed where it is now and then start posting as I make more progress.

Started out with a 1972 3/4 ton 2wd Suburban. This is what it looked like just before I drove it to the body shop. I stripped it down about as far as I could and still be able to legally drive it down to the shop.

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Name:  burb before paint 110207 008.jpg
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Name:  burb before paint 110207 034.jpg
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Instead of converting the 2wd chassis to 4wd, I bought a 4x4 truck frame and started building a 4x4 suburban chassis from there. This is the way to go when coverting to 4x4, especially since I was pulling the body off anyway. I put on 4" Tuff Country springs, a Dana 60 front, and a 14 bolt detroit locked rear.

Name:  Picture 043.jpg
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More to follow........
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