Originally Posted by 69TowRig
I'm in the minority here. I've had three (one red, two yellows) and I do not think I will ever buy one again. They all seem to discharge from sitting around a lot faster than traditional batteries. I have a yellow top in my Nissan wheelin' rig and it is always half-dead when I go to drive it. My K5 had a red-top that kicked the bucket way too early in life. My boat received a yellow-top this summer and it discharged like heck by fall (and I have a battery disconnect on the boat).
Overall, not impressed. I hear good things about Orbitals though. One of the wheelin' boards I go on had a thread a while back about how the quality of Optimas have slipped over the last few years. Apparently they made a good name for themselves then something changed and now they are mostly junk. I'll see if I can find a link.
After 4 junk red tops, I will NEVER own another optima battery again either.