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Old 11-08-2008, 02:13 PM   #1
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Posts: 197
redrilling axles and hubs - help and guidance???

I've got a nice set of 5 on 5 torque thrust d's for my 62 GMC panel truck, and want to swap out the non-fitting wheels that are on it now (6 lug) asap. I'll probably pay to have the GMC Dana 44 rear end redrilled ($100 @ Babbit Bearing locally), but I was thinking I might try and do the fronts myself since I will eventually be swapping to a 73-87 front end with discs. I need some help and advice on how to get the pattern set up right. I have a drill press, can use a factory wheel, and have some factory rotors, but I still don't know exactly how I am going to get this pattern 100% accurate on the old hubs/drums up front. I wish I had a template with 3/16" holes to use as a guide, so that the big drill bit doesn't walk around at all when I take the plunge with that. Only get one chance!

House remodel and power steering are the bigger priorities than a disc swap, as I can get by on the drums now, but the manual steering and lack of a sway bar is definitely becoming a drag.


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