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Old 02-22-2003, 03:13 AM   #1
too many
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Unhappy HELP!!! need steering box frame re-enforcement!!!!

Help! I need a steering box , frame re-enfocement plate for my '80 one ton 4x4 dually!

Last Sat. morning a guy with a 94 ford pickup pulled out from a stop sign in front of me. I hit him (going about 40 mph) with my 9' plow in his front fender/ axle. His truck then spun side ways into the back of my steel flat bed. The 'ol one ton put the "big hurt" to the 94. (The insurance adjuster thinks the ford is totalled . )

Other than $2200 damage to my plow , it slightly bent my frame, and cracked the frame where my steering box mounts.

Does anyone know where I can get the re-enforcemnt from , and will it fit a one ton frame?

I also need to get a set of dually SS wheel simulators...

Any help with either? THANKS!!!!
"My wife says I cant have them all - I tell her I can try!"

Last edited by too many; 02-22-2003 at 03:36 AM.
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