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Old 12-19-2001, 01:52 PM   #1
big rig duallie
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 11
Post 6.2L Diesel swap into 69' 1 Ton Duallie?

I'd like to swap in a 6.2L diesel once the old small block dies. Will a 6.2L fit up to a ch465 four speed? Also would motor mounts from a diesel of the year the motor was made fit into a stock 69' Chevy chassis? Other than that, everything else is small work. I know it needs a vacuum pump because diesels don't create their own vacuum. I don't wan't to run a computer, so I'll hook up the accelerator pedal directly up to the injection pump. Does anyone know of aftermarket accessories like cams, intakes, and headers? This would be a good swap , but if anyone knows and can help, drop me some info. Thanks

69' 1 Ton Duallie
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