Re: Laid Off.......
i was laid off from a civil eng. consulting firm (stantec) in april (april 1st to be exact!!) i was out of work for almost 4 mo. but a friend from church is a oper. mgr. for a fire alarm design, install, sales & service company (priv. owned) & so for now they have been able ot keep on the books. i am going to go back to school to get further education (mech. designer) & hopefully not get put in this position again!! i have heard of all the firms listed above & thought that they were doing good until i applied & got a not needed answer. i think with the way things are going (especially the pres. elect) they are just going to get worse (but not much-hopefully) i think the turn around time is going to be longer now. anyways about a week after i got laid off i bought a few small parts for the truck just so i would not feel so bad (angry) the wife said i better or she was going to make me stay in the garage!! so i understand where you are coming from!
good luck!!
p.s. : i think that a looking for a job (job board) section would be a good (temp.) idea...