Originally Posted by LeDevil
Well it is still a toss up, only reason for me to even consider this is my new born daughter (2 months old as of past friday) and my wife. mt Daughter takes up all my time and money. The wife well she's 5 foot even and still cant reach the pedals with the seat all the way forward. I love my 67' but the wife can't drive it and I don't have a lot of time and money to devote to it like I want and it bums me out not be able to fix it up as nice as I want. I'm gonna go give the truck a look over and see if it is truely gonna be worth it. I figure if I do go with the trade I might be lucky enough to find someone down the road who would want to trade his old truck for my newer  That or my step dad is already pawing at me to get the truck so I coudl sell it to him when I have a little more time and money to devote to a older pickup.
Edit: Thanks for all the opinions guys
Common sense prevails! Do what is best for you and your family now, and later, you can always find another car/truck to call your toy.