Originally Posted by 70rs/ss
Yep, guys "get it" and my wife, well lets just say my 70 RS/SS Camaro, matching numbers, 4-speed, ac, yadda yadda is just a piece of junk!! She will never "get it" so allas I live vicariously through my fellow boardmembers road trips!
I feel your pain man... my ex didn't quite get it, but she wasn't as far away from it as your spouce is.
Originally Posted by Jim_PA
Where's the Tech? Move this 
First... I recognise you put a smiley on there, and you are kidding.
However, I did think long and hard about if this belonged in the 67 - 72 truck page, or in general discussion. It is a fine line.
However, since the trip revolved around a 67 - 72 truck, and not a Fiat, I figured it belonged in here, and not there.
I only say this, becouse
someone will agree with your question, be it a joke or not.