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Old 11-16-2008, 06:19 PM   #3
BIG CHEVY 3600's Avatar
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Re: Fuel sending unit install????????????????

Originally Posted by OrrieG View Post
Stock tank or aftermarket. There is a standard pattern for fuel sending units. If you bought an aftermarket tank it should have came with a standard fitting for the sender. Sounds like you have something that was made without the sending unit plate. The fitting is about 1/8" thick so it will not deflect and will seal tight. The sending unit is attached with 5 machine screws and a gasket. . Don't use sheetmetal screws on the thinner guage tank, you will have a hard time with the metal oil canning and leaking and the screws possibly backing out.
OK so what do I do to attached the sending unit if it came without this plate?

As you can see the tank came with two outlets, one inlet, and a vent.
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