I finally got the passenger seat in. My dad made me some raised brackets for the front out of stainless. They're around 1.5" taller that the stock ones, and I only raised the front. When I first put the seats in the bottom was dang near level and made my legs cramp from no support, so I raised them by putting a long bolt in with nuts as spacers between the track and seat, to find the right height before making the real brackets.
I got the seat in and my daughter wanted to ride in the truck because she hasn't gotten to ride since I had the seatbelts out of it a couple a months ago. So we rode around in the truck for a while and got her a new heavy jacket and then rode some more (about 150 miles or so total). She's 10 and loves that truck. She can't see anything in her momma's car and can see everything in the truck, so she doesn't even want to ride in MY car...lol Maybe we'll get her an old squarebody one day