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Old 11-19-2008, 01:55 AM   #2
1961 crewcab
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Re: Time to go land-speed racing...

Like pushing a box through the air, but I vote go for it! If the rules allow you can chop it way down and put a BIG air dam on it to cheat the wind.
I suggest taking a good look at a rule book before you start though.

I had dreams of doing a twin 455 60 pontiac bonneville, un til I took a look at the rule book...
those old codgers don't allow twin engines in anything but streamliners anymore.... what ever happened to all that experimentation that was going on in the late 50's and 60's?

I have a friend here in town that is building a bellytanker to go lsr.
looks like alot of work on small(but important )stuff: lots of safety equipment to buy build ect..

do the chev, datsun-not so exciting.
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