Re: do I need floating leafs with 3 or 4 link
I'm not too sure I under stand what you mean here.. A lot of guys are running Caltrak Bars with Leafs. From what I understand on your set up you are:
Wanting it low
Wanting air bags to raise it and lower it
Want optimal traction
IMO from a tunability stand point go to the junk yard and find yourself a 1960-1972 pick up. Pull the trailing arm set up out of it. Cross member, arms, rear, panhard bar, springs and get it in your truck. Or buy a 4-link or ladder bar set up.
Trying to use a very soft leaf with air bags for ride height control may impact hooking the truck. The air bag is going to want to keep the truck at a specific ride height you have it set to and is not going to allow the rear suspension to either seperate or squat properley for drag racing.
This brings me to ask what are you planing for the front?
It's not easy to have some things that will hook hard yet have all the cool features. There are comprimises.
1/8---6.58 @ 105.92----5.87 @ 118.41
1/4---10.38 @ 126.97----9.24 @ 142.49