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Old 11-23-2008, 12:27 PM   #7
Its Deja Vu time again
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Location: Marysville, North of Seattle WA
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Re: Cutting some Cross Support Bed Welds

The problem I'm facing is I cut into the weld and I cut into the bed side that folds along the backside.

So now it appears I have to cut to the left to seperate the pieces. I just don't know if I have enough material in the sheet metal to do so.

After I do seperate I have to then reweld the gap back closed because what I did cut is part of the bed side. I'm just bummed because I didn't catch the potential problem before I started.

Yeah I know its not really anything to you master fabricators, but hey I'm new at all this and my skills are rather limited as well as my tools.
Its not pretty but its mine to figure out.
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