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Old 11-25-2008, 06:42 PM   #9
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Re: suburban gas eater

I am wondering if someone took the EGR solenoid off that vehicle.
That would answer all three questions.
No EGR operation could cause pinging which will set the code.
That could be the connector to the EGR solenoid
The vacuum port that is unused could be the one for the EGR system.

In 1992 many vehicles still had the knock module external from the ECM, and trucks had it mounted on a bracket next to the TBI and the passenger side rocker (valve) cover. The wire connector is in the area that the knock sensor module would be, but that module should have 4 wires to it if I remember correctly.

It would help if you could take another picture of the passenger side of the engine from a little farther back so we can see the EGR valve, TBI unit, and that connector all in one photo.

Last edited by ChevyTech; 11-25-2008 at 08:02 PM.
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