Does it smell like fuel in here? or Is that smoke?
I figured out why my gas mileage has been in the crapper. Not that I expected much, mind you, but I'd have wagered good money it would be better than 2 MPG.
Turns out the accelerator pump is leaky like a sieve. My first clue was the strong scent of gasoline. Followed shortly by a pretty scary, but mostly harmless fire. Thank God for fire extinguishers!
One melted wire, and a little staining on my intake manifold. I think I got off easy.
Just for the record, if I'm down to my last potato, I'm not sharing it with a guy who wants to kill me so he can get a better supply of virgins in paradise. That lesson is a little thing I call Economics 101, infidel style.
--Scott Adams author of Dilbert