Re: Cab Corner/ Rocker fit
Most aftermarket cab corners suck, and that is putting it nicely. The only ones that fit real good were made by tabco, dontt know if the ones they carry now are the good ones, made over here, or the ones that need alot of work, the ones made overseas. Most cab corners need to be rebent by hand, the lips have to be redone, trimed and so on. Always fit the cab corner and rocker with door installed. And try to get them as aligned as you can. I usually dril and screw them in until I get a fit I can live with.
As for rockers, the ones I used were older production tri-plus ones that fit great. I dont mess with rockers like some of the above do. If it doesnt fit really good with maybe a litle bending or trimming I reject the part. Lets just say I have rejected alot of them. The ones sold by lmc and certifit are pure junk. The certifit ones are usually bowed and as for the lmc ones I nowhere near corect, way off.
Oh here is how I mount rockers. I fill in the original drain holes, if still present. I then drill two 1/4" holes about 1/2" from the back lip. I then chamfer them. I then scuff and prime the rockers with a acid or epoxy primer. Then I scuff them and the rocker backing and apply bed liner. I finally glue and rivit the rocker into place. Trying to make it as rust proof as possible since no mater what water will get inside them.
Last edited by Aarons72s; 11-27-2008 at 05:03 AM.