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Old 11-27-2008, 05:00 AM   #27
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Re: Cab Corner/ Rocker fit

I have used construction adhesive, yah it sounds iffy but if that stuff can hold all they it say it can do than it works for me. I used the polyurethane construction adhesive and what ever you bond is dang near impossible to un bond. But just incase I still rivit it at the same intervals as the facttory spot welds. I then usually use a hammer and dolly to flaten the rivets out where I can to make them look better. It looks alitle diferent than oe, but then again I was after more antticorison facttor than originalitty. I have done this on two trucks. My orange and white and the blue 67 I built for a guy. See my linky in my sig to see the 67 and its rockers. It would probably be better to use the automotive based epoxys but I was on a shoe string budget and construction adhessive is cheap. I have jacked the cab up on the edges of the rocker panels I have done this way and it seems to be solid as a rock. One thing though about the good old construction adhesive, it is like the automittive glues, it does not like bondo or auto paints. So be sure to remove any excess before doing your body work. Underside I dont wory to much about as I undercoat everything. And that stuff sticks to anything! Plus to me one big advantage to this is if these rockers do start rusting you could drill out the rivits and then cut out the old rocker, clean the old glue and liner off with a wire wheel and start the same process all over again. As these are the first thing that rusts out which leads to more rust in the other areas. I also use this method and bolts to install the front and rear outer cab supports. Another place that likes rust. I hope this helps. If you need anymore help I would be glad to help.

Last edited by Aarons72s; 11-27-2008 at 05:02 AM.
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