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Old 11-28-2008, 10:01 PM   #3
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Re: Driving on front brakes only

Originally Posted by dave2953 View Post
That sucks, but at least you discovered it before something catastrophic happened. My trans. lines leaked from that same spot, but I couldn't afford new ones. Instead, I found a piece of flared tubing that the correct size threaded nuts on it (I think it was brake line), cut it in half and threaded either end into the radiator. Then I just used rubber hose to attach the new line to the old line and no more leaks. You probably already knew about this, but I figured I would tell you anyway. Good luck on your brake least the parts aren't crazy expensive.

I spent all my cash on christmas presents today and only had $40 left so I was able to get the shoes and spring kit. next Friday I will get the drums and all the brackets. Yes, I was one of the nuts at Walmart at 5am. Lol

I'll buy some tubing and make my own if a little teflon tape does'nt fix it.

Need to go to work and use the torch so I can heat up the u-bolt nuts on the torsion bars and tighten them up.

need new bushings just about everywhere.

Can't complain though, I knew what I was getting into when I bought it. Just wish there wasnt this much rust. I dont have the tools to repair it nor the money to have someone do it for me.
1999 Yamaha roadstar 1600 chop. (in progress.)

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"Ya'll can go to hell, I'm going to Texas."
David Crockett

Last edited by theyammieguy; 11-28-2008 at 10:03 PM.
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