Originally Posted by FnLow69
can i hitch a ride...mostly for the hot chicks... haha though i wouldnt have them drive, we know how most of them drive.  j/k

I know exactly what you are talking about. I believe those handles in cars that are right above the door we designed by a man who test driver was a women

. I call them "oh sh!t" handles because the only times i ever use them is when those words come out of my mouth as I am trying to press my imaginary brakes through the passenger side floor board.
Originally Posted by PRORIDES
I love money trees too. I planted the seeds around the back of the shop and I water them everyday. I can't wait for them to grow. We didn't go to SEMA this year the first I missed it in 5years. I just have been running so much I just had to take a break,Plus I blew up the shop tow pig up on the way back from the Charlotte Goodguys. So things got a little behind around the shop. C10 won't be driven out with you guys because he lives 10 minutes from the shop. But if you need help driving a can hire a few of the hot chicks from SEMA to help you guys out. Only if that gets you here faster!!!

I know being patient for those damn trees to start growing sucks. Right next to where my money tree is growing is my "I owe you" tree. Basically it is a bare tree that has tons of sticky notes all over it promising my wife that i will pay back our savings after my truck is done. Its a becoming a very big tree

That sucks to here you didn't make it to SEMA and sorry to hear about your tow rig. I remember seeing a pic of it and it looked sick! On the other hand busy is good cause busy puts food on your table. I think that the SEMA girls would help alot but i wonder what i could tell my wife...... I got it. They are representives of different automotive sponsers looking to sponser my truck and they are driving me to PA to sign contracts