Thread: Cluster Fluster
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Old 11-30-2008, 10:25 AM   #8
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Re: Cluster Fluster

I had a similiar problem on my 72 burb. All of the guages work but no dash lights. Since I don't know much about electronics I assumed that either all of the bulbs are bad or the printed circuit was. I took a random dash bulb out and tested it. The bulb was good but for some reason the little black housing it was in wasn't (no current flow even when bulb was in). Tested bulbs out of a parts dash and the bulbs and the bulb housings from it were all good. I was going to put them into my burb but my dad told me that all the dash lights were now on. So I don't know if this was just luck or what; but maybe one of the bulb housings is bad and is causing the rest not to work. Don't know if this is possible since I haven't put the bad bulb housing back in to see if they go out, but I would test them

Last edited by 1956cameo; 11-30-2008 at 10:26 AM.
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