well i got two trucks, a 76 and a 84. i bought the 84 with the plans of driving it while i went to town on the 76. but now i'm so into the 84 the 76 has more or less been abandoned covered up in the backyard with no motor or tranny and completley gutted interior. now i'm gonna have to buy another truck to drive while i tear into the 84 so i can drive it while i do the 76. but if i buy another truck i'll get excited about it and the 84 will end up in the back yard beside the 76 and i'll have to buy another truck to drive while redoing the truck i bought to drive while redoing the 84 so i can drive it while i redo the 76. but then i'll have to buy another truck to drive while i'm redoing the truck i bought to drive while i'm redoing the truck i bought to drive while i'm redoing the 84 so i can drive it while i'm redoing the 76, but then i'll have to buy another truck to drive..... AAAAEEEEIIIIHHHHHH!!!! WILL THE MADNESS EVER END
i wonder if there is a local 73-87 chevy trucks anonymous i can join..... i think i need counseling.