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Old 02-25-2003, 10:53 AM   #13
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 22
I recently wrecked and bent my font frame rails back to the front crossmember, kinked the steerig, to. I am going to cut the frame off a few inches forward from the firewall and take the whole front frame sectionout and replace it with one from the salvage. I can take good parts from mine( spindles, brakes, etc.) and bolt to the new one. I can disassemble the new one and put on new bushings, ball joints the whole 9 yards!!!! I will also paint it and maybe chrome some parts!!!!!!! I will cut the new one and weld it in place of the old one so I know its straight and strong and reinforce it with box steel. Its cheaper than straghtening, will be basically new and since I did the work I know it'll work!!!!
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