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Old 12-01-2008, 09:56 PM   #14
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Re: Could a teenager build this in one month?

EDITED BY MOD: ok I understand what the concensis is. Even if I could get a motor put in and the body pannels put back on in a month it would still take another month to get stuff wired up and get bugs worked out and even then it wouldn't be built right. I guess I just dreamed of playing in the snow with a 4 wheel drive truck this winter. I guess I will see if the guy has a title for it and see if my dad approves. "OK GUYS, ANYONE READING THIS, DO NOT OFFER VIN SWAPPING OF ANY KIND, IT IS ILLEGAL AND WILL BE EDITED" Then if I get the truck I will build it right instead of fast. I do have access to many parts trucks to use though.

Last edited by Richard8971; 12-02-2008 at 02:44 AM.
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