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Old 12-02-2008, 06:19 PM   #50
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Location: Kingfisher OK
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Re: Could a teenager build this in one month?

BTW,, where is this yard? what part of OK?
It is in central Oklahoma by kingfisher. I am not sure if I want to give away the exact location yet. It is not really a junk yard that sells stuff or crushes cars it is more of a guys junk collection. He never really said what he does with the stuff besides buy it and park it. Thanks for all the encouragement/constructive criticism. I am going back there in a little bit to see if I can talk to the guy and get more pictures. I want to find out if the frame is really a 67-72 and get the vin number from the cab. I will also get exact prices on everything. Maybe I can buy the parts trucks also and share the rust free parts with you guys. And I do have the funds for a project like this. My saving account has been steadily growing for 17 years without me spending any of it. Can anyone tell me where the cab and frame vin numbers are located so I can take pictures of them?
Here are more pics of the junk yard. The only things he wouldn't sell me are the 82 swb and the transam.

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