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Old 12-03-2008, 05:39 PM   #23
Local Detroit diesel nut!
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Re: Speedometer Converter

Originally Posted by lts70 View Post
Well this Terf Inc. joker doesn't even respond to my emails anymore. schwoch1 did you ever get a product from them or a refund?

I am wanting to get an adapter for my 70 as a Christmas gift for myself. Does any one have any experience with the other products out there like the cable X. I would just buy it but it seems to have to many problems for a $300 doller product. Any one have sucsess with it or any other products?
Joker isn't the word for it. I kept calling him every other day and he was promising up to the last day that I called. I had it with him and called my credit card company and got a refund that way. I asked him for a refund and he told me he had no money to refund me. My CC company said that was not my problem and they were refunding my money as I spoke to them.
I ended up adapting an electronic speedometer guts from a '96 S10 pickup to the stock gauges. I can do that because my computer for the LT1 engine has a 4000 pulse per mile output that will run the speedometer perfectly!!!
Terf INC had a good product, but if he cannot produce it, it ain't no good to anyone!~!!
Nothing cool anymore, I am old and boring....
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