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Old 12-04-2008, 12:53 AM   #8
Texas Big Wig
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Re: what is needed for front air ride?

Well it would allow the rear to lay out all the way, but you still have the front to worry about & the front is the hardest part to get to lay frame

I didnt want to Z my frame in the front on my truck & I didnt want to get into all the other mods you can do to the front & I cant afford a Drop Member right now, so it doesnt lay frame
If you want to lay frame & dont want to Z the front you can buy a Drop Member from Porter Built

But yes, Z'ing the rear will allow you to lay the frame on the ground depending on how much you Z it
I only Z'd mine 6-3/16" because my front wont go low enough to need any more of a Z in the rear

When my truck is dumped, my frame is about 2-1/2" off the ground & my LCAs are laying on the ground
Just not low enough...


Last edited by Spray-Bomb; 12-04-2008 at 01:00 AM.
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