Thread: Help Please
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Old 12-04-2008, 03:47 PM   #1
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Help Please

I'm way new to this so any help or comments appreciated.

I have some 5813 air-lift bags that were given to me. I "THINK" what

I want to do is install them in the stock spring location as I've seen

on other threads. But my bags don't have a center bolt hole to attach

through the stock hole in the arms. Do I need to fab something get new

bags or ? This truck is a 69 long fleet by the way. Also I "THINK" I need

the CPP C notch and Center crossmember. I have the adjustable locater.

Does the frame bracket need to be modified ? With this set-up how much

drop can I expect for just toolin around and not banging the axle into the

frame ? What about the front ? How much drop to match the rear and

maintain ride quality ? Oh yea, what pinion angle do I need ?

Told you I was ignorant.

Any help is appreciated.
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