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Old 12-06-2008, 02:05 AM   #7
In the Forgotten far North.
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Re: oil for the trip

If it's a regular grade oil yes it will as the oil will thicken in the colder temps as where a synthetic oil won't. I've been running castrol synthetic 5/w30 oil in my '90 Burb for a few years now and have never had a problem.
I did have an experience about 15 years ago running 20/w50 oil in my olds 442 with a 455 engine in the winter up here. One morning I went out to start the car and was watching the oil pressure gauge after I started it(aftermarket mechanical model) and it took almost 2 FULL MINUTES for the needle to begin to move and didn't register full oil pressure until almost 2minutes,45 seconds later!!! And at a high warm up idle of almost 1200 r.p.m. I decided right then and there to go get it changed out to 5/w30 wt oil.
So in closing, I would STRONGLY suggest changing to a loower grade oil for the trip through the "colder climates" of Oklahoma & New Mexico. Oh and watch out for them polar bears roamin' around out there
have a safe trip.
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