Has everyone seen the new 72 diecast by JADA. Jada has a forum site that you can send messages to them and they read most of them. They have just come out with a 1/18 scale Escalade diecast that is awsome in detail and have a dodge pickup coming out this month are next.
I say everybody from this board send in a message to them about doing a 72 1/18 truck. Who knows we might get one and they aren't that exspensive either. Here is the links and pictures of them.This is the link to write too.
Here is a picture of the 72 1/24th scale and you can also order them right here also. Enjoy!
This is the link to order from.
Here is the 1/18 ESCALDE
This is the new DODGE truck 1/18th also
I know the pictures look small but beleive me they are nice diecast, some of the best I have seen. Jada is doing something here I thought would never happen and that is building what the customer wants.
Lets find out if they will build them, what do you say!