Finally brought my 70 4wd chevy home. Kindof an ordeal though. hope you got a few minutes.
I called my old redneck buddy Joe and made plans to pick the truck up on Saturday. Him and I havemoved more old and busted rigs around than I care to remember. Anyway, My landlord has a 16' car hauler trailer that he lets anybody use. I went over in the morning to get it, but somebody else beat me to it. So I called Joe, and he said his brother in law had one we could use. So I went to where my truck was parked and waited for Joe. He showed up with a 12' flat deck trailer with bald tires a high deck (Wheelbase on a longbed 1/2T is about 11'). After 3 hours involving a drainage swale in the nearby schools front yard and some short ramps we got it loaded. Right after dark we took off headed the 14 miles home. About half way there I started noticing little sparks coming from the right side of the trailer. I flashed Joe to pull over, and as soon as he got to the side of the road. the front tire on the trailer made a run for it. Didn't have a spare as the trailer had bastardized mobile home axles. We pulled the wheel, jacked up the axle, and cinched it up piss tight with my last remaining strap. This seemed to hold so we headed off again about 25 mph. Surprisingly made it home without further incident.
Now for the good news! This afternoon I put the fuel tank back in (the PO had removed it to fix a leak and never put it back in-three years ago.) Put in a fresh battery, little fresh gas in the carb and she fired right up. This truck is all original with 136K bought for $300 from the original owner. Its runs so well it just blew me away. I let it run for about 20 minutes checking the temp periodically with my IR thermometer, and nothing ever got above 130. So I threw the boys in the cab, and headed down the road. The tires are crap, but everything else runs, drives, stops and steers like it was parked yesterday. I got back to the house, checked the temp, and everything was still perfect. In the next few weeks I want to replace the tires, and the points, cap and rotor, oil. etc. Then drive the sucker.