Thread: 69 c20!
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Old 12-08-2008, 01:26 AM   #20
I have a radical idea!
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Re: 69 c20!

You have been saying that you like my dually, and now you have the perfect platform for one. You can put dually drums on front (without changing the spindles or anything else) and there are several companies selling billet spacers to widen the wheeltrack of the rearend so you can bolt on the dual wheels. Cut down some stepper fenders and viola!! BTW, looks like you have 2 of those bumpers now!
'67 C-30 Dually Pickup 6.2 Turbo Diesel, NP435
‘72 C-10 SWB , 350 4bbl, TH350
'69 C-10 SWB , 250 L6, 3 OTT
'69 GMC C3500, dump truck, 351 V6, NP435
'84 M1009 CUCV Military Blazer

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