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Old 12-09-2008, 12:25 AM   #71
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Re: Could a teenager build this in one month?

Well I have decided that the blue 4x4 is not the truck for me. It would be way to much work to adapt the newer model frame. I have been quite busy lately and have not talked to the guy about buying parts from him or anything. I figured the first step for me would be to find a nicer truck and then go back to him for parts that I need. I doubt any of those trucks are going anywhere soon. I see that a lot of you think the 68 would be a good truck for me to start with and I am still considering that truck even though my dad ruled out that option by saying it was way overpriced. My plan is to look around a little more and if a screaming deal doesn't pop up then I will go back and talk to the owner of the 68. First I have a couple more options to explore. I will try to get more pics of the 68 for you guys in the mean time and try to talk the guy down to the right price. Thanks for the link davidh that looks like a great deal.
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