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Old 12-09-2008, 01:00 PM   #6
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Location: Riverside, CA 92507
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Re: OEM gauges For sale

ok. 10-4. i'll wait.

regarding testing:

oil gauge - use a mityvac to supply pressure to the port, or tie into your stock oil pressure port on your engine

clock - 12v to the terminal, and ground the case/back of clock. second hand should start ticking.

fuel - 12v to + terminal, ground to other should cause it to read full. pull ground, and it should read empty. still need to ground the case.

amps - can only check for continuity w/ ohm meter to see if it's fried or not. otherwise, it needs to see amp flow in either direction to show charge or discharge. not sure how to do this other than tying into a charge line off the back of your alternator to your battery + post and start the truck.

hope that helps... (and let me know if i'm wrong here somewhere... hahaha)
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