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Old 02-26-2003, 05:31 PM   #5
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GMC71K20, the way they work is that they measure the force of acceleration, and if you know how hard something is accelerating, for how long, you can calculate all kinds of useful info, and to get the HP measurements, you input the vehichle's weight, and then it factors that in to estimate horsepower..... one of the first things we talked about in high school physics was the difference between accuracy and consistency, and I think the g-tech is a perfect example: It, in my experience, is very consistent, making it a great tuning tool, but the accuracy can be from decent to poor- especially on the horsepower estimates, because I never know the right weight, and some of your horsepower is used up overcoming wind resistance as speed increases...... FWIW, I have one of the cheap models, and still would recommend that everyone get one or at least get access to one; they are definitely useful and have their place.
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