Originally Posted by Shyguy
Welcome to the board from a fellow Missourian.
Where do you live in Missouri? I live just south of Cape Girardeau about 25 miles.
In Missouri you do not have to get an inspection to put the title in your name, just to license it. When I got my '67 I just took the title from the previous owner to our local license bureau and told them I want to put it in my name and they did without any problem.
Thanks Danny.
I live just south of STL in Jefferson County.
My main concern is:
1). Fuel Tank is leaking.
2). Brakes hoses at the rear wheel are cracking. (among other brake related issues)
3). Also has gear lube coming out of the axles.
4). Major rust problem at the corners of the cab. (and yes I have seen corner patch panels for sale at places like LMC Trucks and others for this).
5). Etc, Etc on a old vehicle of this age.
But the cool factor is there even though it only has a 6 banger with a Powerglide tranny. I just want to get it restored in decent shape by this summer. But with limited body working experience not such if I can handle that part of the build.
But hey I am willing to learn!