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Old 12-10-2008, 12:53 PM   #5
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Re: '67 Resto project

Originally Posted by Tallcountry View Post
Thanks Danny.

I live just south of STL in Jefferson County.

My main concern is:

1). Fuel Tank is leaking.
2). Brakes hoses at the rear wheel are cracking. (among other brake related issues)
3). Also has gear lube coming out of the axles.
4). Major rust problem at the corners of the cab. (and yes I have seen corner patch panels for sale at places like LMC Trucks and others for this).
5). Etc, Etc on a old vehicle of this age.

But the cool factor is there even though it only has a 6 banger with a Powerglide tranny. I just want to get it restored in decent shape by this summer. But with limited body working experience not such if I can handle that part of the build.

But hey I am willing to learn!
Take it one step at a time. IMO, tackle them in this order:
1). Fuel Tank is leaking- Is it just the rubber lines, or the tank? If it is more than the rubber lines, pull it out and see if it can be fixed, or needs a new one. There is no use investing money in a truck that could catch fire and go up in flames. If not rusty and only leaking, many radiator hops will patch gas tanks if you take it out and take it to them loose

2). Start ironing out the brake issues. Replace the rear rubber hose, pull the hubs and check the rear wheel cylinders for leaks, replace shoes if needed. Later, do the same for the front.

3). Also has gear lube coming out of the axles.- Is it leaking at the wheel/ hub, or center section? If at the hub/ wheel, not a major deal, as you can pull the axles and replace them while you have the rear drums off working on the rear brakes

4). Tackle the rust issues last. The truck can still be safe and driveable even with rust, as long as it is only cosmetic rust, not cab mounts or anything structural.

Tackle one little thing at a time. Don't make the mistake of tearing the truck into a thousand pieces if this is your first build. That will make thing very intimidating, and 90% of people who do that lose interest and either catch so much hell from the wife for the mess and end up selling (at a loss) or end up watching it rot away in the back yard. Good luck!!! You will find a lot of help here, just ask!

Last edited by WIDESIDE72; 12-10-2008 at 12:58 PM.
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