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Old 12-11-2008, 01:48 AM   #12
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Location: Valparaiso, In
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Re: Impact Wrench Question

Most of the better brands have different models that have different torque values. Some have good torque for tightening but not so good for taking off.
Having worked in a heavy industrial environment we used many impacts.
To give an example, we had to take covers off of a long screw conveyor. I was on one side with a new Chicago Pneumatic and my partner was on the other side with a new IR. We were both hooked up to the same airline.
I was knocking them off quickly and his was not busting any loose. Right away, he was *****ing about the IR being junk.
It turned out my impact was more of a heavy duty 1/2 " and his was more for light duty home use.
With that in mind, we called our different tool suppliers to come in, bring examples and info on the different models. IR and CP had 4 models each, and I don't remember about the other brands. We had about 20 different 1/2 impacts. We went out to another chain conveyor, rusted and corroded, used the same air line. The best one by far, was one of the Snap-on models.
Mind you, this was about 15 yrs ago so I don't know whats there today.

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