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Old 12-11-2008, 06:15 PM   #32
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Re: How hard to replace gas tank and all associated hardware?

After all that...NOTHING.

All hoses, lines, wires, everything hooked up, I still have the sucking air problem. I took the line off at the regulator and blew it out, nothing blocking it as far as I can tell. I even took the line off completely, turned the pump on, NOTHING. I know nothing is blocking it, because I just replaced every damn thing there is.

The only thing I have left that I can think of doing anything is the tank selector. I'm gonna go pick up a connector to connect fuel lines, and I'm gonna go connect it directly to the tank to the pump. If it doesn't work then...

My guess would be maybe something in the tank selector switch in the cab is messed up, and it's not switching it. I don't know why, because when I switch it, it registers that tank as having gas in it, because something is switching. I'm just not sure if it's physically switching inside the unit. Which, by the way, is also BRAND NEW.

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