Thread: Amp Guage
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Old 12-12-2008, 01:13 AM   #1
Gene Sharp
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Amp Guage

In the catalog by Painless Wiring or Ron Francis, cant remember which , it says that if you are running one of the later model high out put alternators such as the one wire setups many use,,,that to use the stock Amp Meter is to create a fire hazzard or at the least a source for problems as it was only designed for a 30 amp load as put out by early generators not the 100 amp load of the new alternators.
My question is how did you deal with this if using a more or less stock appearing cluster
Does anyone make a high amp guage that will fit into the stock dash
or perhaps a volt meter for same
or is there a way to make stock guage work

Gene Sharp
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