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Old 12-13-2008, 01:27 PM   #109
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Re: Where are the stockers?

Because I dont like to critique trucks on the site, I would like to comment on the 4 previous ebay trucks shown (the blue, yellow, white and turquoise) which were "restored to all original" and offered for sale.It would be a good opportunity to state what is correct and not correct. I would say the turquoise is one of the closest "original authentic" restoration I have ever seen.The period shell and aux gas tanks doors were common add ons in the day.The blue and yellow trucks should have black wheels and painted hubcaps .Only tu-toned trucks had wheels painted body color. The blue and yellow trucks should have the area behind grill painted black. The white truck should not have a black stripe around grill.This stripe was always painted off-white regardless of body color. Mirrors were never chrome.The small standard mirror heads were painted black with the bracket stands body color. Large western mirrors are correct all white.Other than that, the are very good representations of stock 64-66 trucks.
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