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Old 12-15-2008, 10:04 PM   #43
Nothing to see here.....
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Re: Spotlight Pic - Installed and In Action

nope, no "cover plate" for the inside. would have been a beeter design, but I guess Unity thought not. contact Mel (Classic Bowties) for a copy of the instructions, drill template, and drill bushng. a bargain @ $15!!

I covered the exposed interior shaft with a piece of black vacuum tubing, then butted the lock collar against it for a cleaner look. I also have, but not installed, a locking tab that screws to the "A" pillar. I have only seen this piece on a few spotlights, and Unity does not repop them.

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Last edited by tcb-1; 12-15-2008 at 10:09 PM.
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